The Inter Partes Review (IPR) process originated a little over ten years ago as a venue for challenging patent validity. That process is generally hostile to patent owners, who face only a 20% chance of all their challenged patent claims surviving.
Global IP flips the odds for patent owners. We preserve validity of all patent claims in 86% of our clients’ IPRs. In other words, our win rate is more than four times greater than the overall patentee win rate in that venue. Don’t take our word for it. See for yourself:
IPR Number Petitioner Counsel Outcome
IPR2023-00973 IBM Desmarais Settled; No Claims Invalid
IPR2023-00972 IBM Desmarais Institution Denied (W)
IPR2023-00971 IBM Desmarais Institution Denied (W)
IPR2023-00970 IBM Desmarais Institution Denied (W)
IPR2023-00969 IBM Desmarais Institution Denied (W)
IPR2023-00968 IBM Desmarais Institution Denied (W)
IPR2023-00967 IBM Desmarais Institution Denied (W)
IPR2023-00953 Duration Media Dentons All Valid after Proceeding (W)
IPR2023-00842 Western Digital Michael Best & Friedrich Pending
IPR2021-00421 Motorola Klarquist Sparkman Settled; No Claims Invalid
IPR2021-00420 Motorola Klarquist Sparkman Settled; No Claims Invalid
IPR2020-00746 TCL Cozen O'Connor Institution Denied (W)
IPR2020-00745 TCL Cozen O'Connor Institution Denied (W)
IPR2020-00580 Unified Patents Unified Patents All Invalid after Proceeding (L)
IPR2019-00629 Adobe Perkins Coie All Invalid after Proceeding (L)
IPR2019-00628 Adobe Perkins Coie All Valid after Proceeding (W)
IPR2019-00627 Adobe Perkins Coie All Valid after Proceeding (W)
IPR2019-00646 Adobe Perkins Coie All Invalid after Proceeding (L)
IPR2018-01417 Apple O'Melveny & Myers Settled; No Claims Invalid
IPR2018-01378 Apple O'Melveny & Myers Settled; No Claims Invalid
IPR2018-00646 LG; Google Wolf Greenfield & Sacks Settled; No Claims Invalid
IPR2018-00644 LG; Google Wolf Greenfield & Sacks Settled; No Claims Invalid